NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF PLAINFIELD, INDIANA ON APPROVING A WAIVER OF NON-COMPLIANCE FOR FAILURE TO PROPERLY FILE A 103-ERA FORM WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS PERSONAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS (FORM CF-1/PP) - FORD MOTOR COMPANY The Town Council of the Town of Plainfield, Hendricks County, Indiana, (the "Town Council") will conduct a public hearing on June 27, 2016, at 7 p.m. (Local Time) at the Plainfield Town Hall, located at 206 W. Main Street, Plainfield, Indiana 46168, to consider a request from Ford Motor Company to adopt a resolution approving a waiver of non-compliance for the company for failure to properly file a 103-ERA Form with their Statement of Benefits Personal Property Improvement (Form CF-1/PP). Approval would allow Ford Motor Company to retain their abatement for 2016. Following the public hearing, the Council will consider Resolution No. 2016-26 (the "Waiver of Non-Compliance Resolution") for adoption. A description of the abated personal property is available as well as the Declaratory and Confirmatory Resolutions which granted the abatements (Resolution Nos. 2014-44 and 2014-45, respectively) and can be inspected at the Plainfield Municipal Building located at 206 W. Main Street, Plainfield, IN 46168, during regular business hours. At the public hearing, the Town Council will receive and hear comments, remonstrances and objections from interested persons concerning the Waiver of Non-Compliance. Dated: June 8, 2016 Wesley Bennett, Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Plainfield HCF-452 06/11 #1200770 hspaxlp