EMCOR Project #2: Taylor High School NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Taylor Community School Corporation (3794 300 S., Kokomo, IN 46902) is submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) letter to inform the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of their intent to comply with the requirements (as specified under 327 IAC 15-5) to discharge storm water from construction activities for the following project: EMCOR Project #2: Taylor High School at 3794 300 S., Kokomo, IN 46902. Run-off from the project will discharge into a large bio-swale and underground stone detention system, which is on-site, and ends up in Kokomo Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to Matt Gullo with Kovert Hawkins Architects, located at 630 Walnut Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana, 47130. K-462 June 9 hspaxlp