DWSRF Loan Program Public Notice Notice of Public Hearing Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to obtain assistance from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan Program The Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 16, 2016, at the office of Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation, 2413 W 700 N, Taylorsville, IN 47280. The Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation's engineering consultant will present the recommended upgrades to Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation's drinking water infrastructure, which will include construction of a 3.5 MGD water treatment plant, a 750,000 clear well ground level water storage tank and an 8,400 square foot storage building, as described in the PER. The project will be funded through a DWSRF loan. At this hearing, there will be the opportunity for questions and comments from the public. Participation is welcomed and encouraged. If special assistance is required at the meeting, please contact Superintendent Donnie Smith at 812-371-6030. Copies of the PER are available for public viewing starting May 20, 2016, through June 23, 2016, at Eastern Bartholomew Water Corporation, 2413 W 700 N, Taylorsville, IN 47280. Written comments regarding this project should be sent to Superintendent Donnie Smith, 2413 W 700 N, Taylorsville, IN 47280, prior to June 23, 2016. GDN-185 June 1, 8 hspaxlp