Sharp SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF HOWARD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HOWARD COUNTY KOKOMO, INDIANA CAUSE NO. 34D02-1603-MF-00187 DITECH FINANCIAL LLC FKA GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC PLAINTIFF vs LOREN W. SHARP A/K/A LOREN SHARP; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR DEVISEES OF VERNARD L. JOHNSON, DECEASED DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SUIT To the defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property legally described as follows: Lots Numbered Eighty-nine (89) and Ninety (90) in Bon Air Acres Addition to the said City of Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana. Commonly known as: 2319 North Purdum Street, Kokomo, IN 46901-1471 This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following defendant(s) whose whereabouts are unknown. Loren W. Sharp a/k/a Loren Sharp Unknown Heirs and/or Devisees of Vernard L. Johnson, Deceased In addition to the above-named defendants being served by this summons, there may be other defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. An answer or other appropriate response in writing to the Complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney with the Clerk of the Court for Howard County at: Clerk of Howard County 104 North Buckeye Street Room #114 Kokomo, IN 46901 on or before the 25th day of June, 2016 (the same being thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so a judgment may be entered against you for what the plaintiff has demanded. Unterberg & Associates, P.C. Brian C. Berger 19753-45 ATTEST: Kim Wilson, Clerk Howard Superior Court This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Brian C. Berger 19753-45 Attorney for Plaintiff Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Atty File: 1023590 K-401 May 12, 19, 26 hspaxlp