DES. #: 1383683 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Brownsburg will conduct a public hearing in regard to the proposed North Green Street reconstruction project, from US 136 (Main St.) to 56th Street. The hearing will convene on March 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Former St. Malachy Sanctuary, 326 North Green St., Brownsburg, IN 46112 The purpose of the public hearing is to offer all interested persons an opportunity to comment on he draft environmental document and preliminary design plans for the North Green Street improvements. Public comment or statements for the record will be taken after the presentation. The Town of Brownsburg is planning to undertake a road widening and sewer outfall project funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration. The project is located on North Green Street and Vermont Street in the Town of Brownsburg, Hendricks County. The project will involve the addition of a two way left turn lane (TWLTL) along North Green Street north of the intersection of US 136 (Main St.) to the south edge of the 56th Street intersection. A sewer outfall will extend west from North Green Street along West Vermont Street for a distance of 835 feet before turning south and extending 210 feet to discharge into White Lick Creek. The project will require the permanent use of approximately 0.75 acre of property belonging to the Town of Brownsburg. The Arbuckle Acres Park resides on this property and included with this property are recreational facilities that are open to the public. The designed action will not adversely impact the activities, features, and attributes that qualify the property for protection under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and in accordance with SAFETEA-LU Section 6009 (a). As such, it is the intent of INDOT, along with the Federal Highway Administration to issue a finding of de minimis. In accordance with SAFETEA-LU Section 6009 (a), the views of the public are being sought regarding the effect of the proposed project on the public recreational area. Tentative timetables for right-of-way acquisition and construction will be discussed during the formal presentation. A total amount of 2.6 acres of permanent right-of-way will be acquired. The existing right-of-way varies between approximately 30 ft and 70 ft wide along the project area. The proposed new right-of-way will be between approximately 70 ft and 78 ft wide. There is one property acquisition that will require the relocation of one residence. The acquisition and relocation program will be conducted in accordance with 49 CFR 24 and the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 as amended. Representatives from VS Engineering, Inc. will be available to address specific questions during the initial open house session, and after the formal hearing process. Please be aware general conversations are not considered part of the official record. All verbal statements recorded during the public hearing and all written comments collected before, during and for a period of two (2) weeks after the hearing date, will be evaluated and addressed in the final environmental document. Written comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing and within the comment period to the following address: Town of Brownsburg, Town Hall 61 N. Greet St. Brownsburg, IN 46112 ATTN: Todd Barker, Director of Development Services. Please respond with any comments no later than March 29, 2016 to the contact information above. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Town of Brownsburg can make special accommodations for persons with disabilities and/or limited English speaking ability, and persons needing auxiliary aids of services via interpreters, signers, readers, or large print. If special accommodations are needed please give notice, preferably a week in advance, by calling (317) 852-1120. This project falls within the guidelines of a Categorical Exclusion Level 4 Environmental Document. No significant adverse impacts to the human and natural environment were found during the creation of this document. All interested parties are hereby notified of the availability of the environmental document for inspection and the preliminary design plans for viewing at the following locations: 1.Department of Development Services, Brownsburg Town Hall 2.Brownsburg Public Library 450 S. Jefferson, Brownsburg, IN This notice is published in compliance with: 1) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 771 (CFR 771.111(h)(1) stating, Each State must have procedures approved by the FHWA to carry out a public involvement/public hearing program.; 2) 23 CFR 450.210(a)(1)(ix) stating, Provide for the periodic review of the effectiveness of the public involvement process to ensure that the process provides full and open access to all interested parties and revise the process, as appropriate.; and 3) The INDOT Public Involvement Policies and Procedures approved by the Federal Highway Administration on August 16, 2012. HCF-173 02/27 & 3/05 #1161320 hspaxlp