Brenner Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a certified copy of a judgment and decree to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Madison County, in a case wherein Ditech Financial LLC FKA Green Tree Servicing LLC Plaintiff and CLARA M. BRENNER A/K/A CLARA MIRANDA BRENNER; Defendant, requiring me to make the sum of $106,882 Dollars and 19 Cents, with interest on said Decree and costs, I will expose and offer at Public Sale to the highest bidder, on Thursday the 24th day of March, 2016 at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the sheriff in the Court House in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, interest and costs, the following described real estate in the County of Madison and State of Indiana; to-wit: Lot numbered 1 in Mini-Plat No. 265, a subdivision in Fall Creek Township, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 61, records of Madison County, Indiana. Also, beginning at a point being 427 feet south and 158 feet west of the northeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 18 North, Range 7 East, said point being the northwest corner of Lot No. 1 in Mini-Plat No. 265, the plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 61, in the Office of the Recorder of Madison County, Indiana, and running thence south 120 feet to the southwest corner of said lot, thence west 60 feet, thence north 120 feet, thence east 60 feet to the point of beginning. Being a part of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 1, and containing 0.165 acre, more or less. Commonly known as: 4557 South 50 West, Anderson, IN 46013-3832 State Parcel Number: 48-14-01-400-035.000-012; 48-14-01-400-034.000-012 Said real estate will be sold without relief from valuation and appraisement laws, and in all things pursuant to and as provided by the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana (IC 32-29-7-3). Immediately after the sale of said real estate I will execute and deliver to the purchaser thereof a deed of conveyance therefor, which shall be valid and effectual to convey all of the right, title and interest held or claimed by each and all of the defendants and of all persons claiming from, through or under them. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OF THE STREET ADDRESS PUBLISHED HEREIN. Feb 10 2016 Scott C. Mellinger Sheriff Madison County, Indiana Unterberg & Associates, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Atty File: 1022139 HB-141 2/18 2/25 3/4 hspaxlp